Sure we need more helping hands, Send a mail to your contact details OR reach out to a fellow DPS Parent who is already a petitioner
I want to join the movement

Sure we need more helping hands, Send a mail to your contact details OR reach out to a fellow DPS Parent who is already a petitioner
Send a mail to with your ward details and screenshots of your fees payment details and DPS fee portal screenshots OR reach out to a fellow DPS Parent who is already a petitioner
This question school have not able to prove to DOE as well, DPS Dwarka school kept showing his incapability to manage required funds, while on the other hands DPS Dwarka still have surplus funds which are siphoned to other branches
Very common question comes to every parents mind, school cannot do any mischievous things with children as this will make them criminal under DCPCR act and Juvenile Justice Act, only you need to be strong and oppose school threats strongly,
Very common question comes to everyones mind, the moment you became petitioner your concerns comes under legal observation, and Hon’able High is already kept a stay on coercive action against parents and kids which following Hon’abe Hight Court order and