This question school have not able to prove to DOE as well, DPS Dwarka school kept showing his incapability to manage required funds, while on the other hands DPS Dwarka still have surplus funds which are siphoned to other branches of DPS in unauthorised ways which is clearly caught by Directorate of Education while auditing their accounts that’s DOE is not approving any of fee increase proposals submitted by DPS Dwarka.
From the insights, we have also found DPS Dwarka have send money other DPS branches and also taken loan of crores from another DPS branch while their own money is siphoned with in society,
Being a Trust DPS Society have no right to use a specific school branch funds outside of that specific school branch, and school funds need to be spent only on school expenditures only and that too very specific in the matter of funds,
Like in previous years DPS Dwarka have merged their Development Fund into Operational charges so that they can leverage that funds to be used for other activities of school while development funds need to be used only for development of school, then in past few year DPS Dwarka have re-introduced Development fund on top of Operational Charges, so that means parents are being charged twice for Development Fee.

As its clearly visible Development fee is being changed to operational charges
Proposed development fee to be changed to operational charges and school maintenance fee of Rs.2200/- to be merged with operational charges.
Considering the above, the revised proposed fee structure and the revised proposed budget for the year 2013-14 should be sent to the DPS Society latest by 18* January, 2013.
Considering that there is no change in the fee and only the nomenclature is being changed, it is anticipated that the PTA will not have any reservations.
signed by vice chairman, dpss
This may be treated as most urgent.